Crisis Survival Skills

Learn strategies to handle overwhelming situations without making them worse.

Overview of Crisis Survival Skills

Crisis Survival Skills are designed to help you navigate intense emotions and challenging situations without making impulsive decisions. These skills include: STOP, TIPP, and ACCEPTS.

Key Crisis Survival Skills


Pause and avoid reacting impulsively to intense emotions. STOP stands for:

  • S: Stop—Pause immediately.
  • T: Take a step back—Remove yourself from the situation.
  • O: Observe—Notice your thoughts and feelings.
  • P: Proceed mindfully—Choose your next step wisely.


Use physical techniques to regulate your body's emotional response. TIPP includes:

  • T: Temperature—Cool down (e.g., splash cold water on your face).
  • I: Intense exercise—Engage in vigorous activity.
  • P: Paced breathing—Breathe in a slow and controlled way.
  • P: Paired muscle relaxation—Tense and relax muscles in sequence.


Distract yourself from distress with ACCEPTS strategies:

  • A: Activities—Engage in hobbies or tasks.
  • C: Contributing—Help someone else.
  • C: Comparisons—Reflect on how things could be worse.
  • E: Emotions—Trigger a different emotion (e.g., watch a comedy).
  • P: Pushing away—Mentally set aside distress temporarily.
  • T: Thoughts—Focus on something else (e.g., a puzzle).
  • S: Sensations—Use physical sensations like holding ice.

When to Use Crisis Survival Skills

These skills are most effective in situations where:

Practicing these skills regularly can help you use them more effectively during challenging moments.